Negotiation Advising and Training

Addressing the need for renewal

Negotiations take place in various settings with different degrees of complexity both within and between organisations. The level of each party's negotiat­ing skills usually correlates with the final outcome of a negotiated decision --the better negotiator wields more power and can leverage his/her case more successfully. Skillful negotiating can make or break a business. Organisational Consultants, Ltd. has extensive expertise in negotiations, specializing in individual coaching, team consulting, organisational counseling on the consequences of implementing negotiated settlements, and training seminars to parties preparing for and/or engaging in the practice of negotiations.


After completion of the negotiation advising and training seminar, participants should be able to:

  • Distinguish the difference between win-win and win-lose bargaining
  • Use systematic planning tools in order to prepare for negotiations
  • Select effective negotiation strategies and tactics
  • Manage behaviours and conflicts critical in international negotiations.


We design and implement training seminars focusing on business bargaining, diplomatic negotiations and labour-management relations.

Seminar topics include:

  • Distributive versus integrative bargaining
  • Planning of negotiations
  • Selecting of negotiation strategies and tactics
  • Identifying and applying successful negotiation behaviours
  • Understanding needs and motivations in negotiations
  • Controlling and managing information during negotiations
  • Influencing and persuading negotiation counterparts
  • Adapting to socio-cultural negotiation environments
  • Recognising and managing stress in negotiations.

These seminars are based on action learning methods. Participants will be involved in case analysis, role plays, discussions, presentations, group work and application oriented work simulations.

Benefits to the organisation

Negotiation seminars provide participants with the concepts and techniques needed for an effective mastery of diverse negotiation situations.

The concepts and techniques developed by Organisational Consultants, Ltd. put seminar participants at an advantage during any form of negotiation, be that a small internal negotiation, a crucial multinational trade deal, or a complex bilateral or multilateral political negotiation.